Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dallas Says N.O. to T.O.

Quick, someone sign him before Snyder and Cerratto find out he's available!  Good God almighty, don't bring that sack of scrotal stain to D.C.!

We've spent enough.  We have enough high profile players now.  Just let this one go Danny.  Vinny, quit touching yourself, we do NOT NEED T.O.!

The last high profile cowboy you brought over screwed you out of a ton of jack....remember Neon Deion? 

Nuff said, we don't need him, don't want him and I will root for the damned lions next season if you sign him.

Now in honor of T.O.'s departure, we offer you this:
  Just $12.95 navy blue with grey deco.  No more popcorn baby, it's time to pack them bags and head out the door!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Taylor Out!

The Redskins today cut DE Jason Taylor after one injury riddled season of sub par play. He was asked to participate in 25 days of off season workouts with the team as a condition of his return for an $8 million payday.

I guess it takes more than that to make an old dog perform old tricks.

I thought he was a dolphin, but it seems to me he floundered around and lost big money.