Friday, January 23, 2009

AJ Smith - Pompous Ass

Chargers GM AJ Smith - Pompous Ass

That's right. POMPOUS ASS. After Ladanian Tomlinson commented on his web site earlier this month and spoke about his future with the team, AJ Smith told the San Diego Tribune “My first reaction was we both have similar feelings. I have no intentions of leaving San Diego. San Diego is where my GM career started and where I’d like it to end. I also have nothing but love and the utmost respect for this team, the players and the Spanos family. I have absolutely no control over how long I will be with the Chargers.
“As for now, I am the Chargers’ GM, and I have major decisions to ponder for the organization now and in the future. My recommendation to Dean Spanos will be what’s in the best interest of the team – both short and long term. That’s my job. That’s what Dean hired me to do.”

Almost a word-for-word recreation of LT's statement. Why?

Is he simply trying to get under LT's skin and take a few cheap shots at the man? Or has he become so power hungry and antagonistic in his role with the Chargers that he feels more like a man by proving that he is, in fact, a Pompous Ass?

LT has done so much for a team that, for so long, was an also-ran. He's brought attention, class and talent to a team that nobody ever seriously thought about unless they lived in San Diego or one of the other 3 AFC West Team home towns.

AJ Smith does have a hand in deciding LT's future with the team, as he IS the General Manager. I ask you though, is this anyway for a GM to behave publicly about one of his team's most popular and talented athletes? I think not.

It's about time for Spanos to step up and put AJ under the microscope. If this is how he begins the off season, imagine how he'll be acting come spring training and the draft. Personally, I think it's time to cut out the dead wood.

Keep an eye out for our new AJ Smith tee, he's going to be thrilled.

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